Stonehouse Loop Trail
Stonehouse Loop Trail

Stonehouse Loop Trail

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Stonehouse Loop Trail

Stonehouse Loop Trail

Distance: 3.2mi
Elevation: 46ft
Time: 1-1.5h

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The Stonehouse Loop Trail is a great nature walk nestled in the city. This scenic adventure presents a great excuse to escape the business of the city and reconnect with yourself and nature. Perfect for a weekend family adventure or a lunch break picnic, the Stonehouse Loop Trail is worth adding to your hiking list.

Stonehouse Loop Trail Map

Getting there

The Stonehouse Loop Trail departs from the trailhead at Old Stone House off S Estes Street.

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Backcountry Campground


When to do


Pets allowed

Yes - On Leash

Family friendly


Route Signage


Crowd Levels


Route Type


Stonehouse Loop Trail
Elevation Graph

Stonehouse Loop Trail Description

As we said, the Stonehouse Loop Trail is a great option if you are seeking a relaxing nature walk, and we stand by that. Travel through tree shade, past historic buildings, along a babbling creek, and past a glittering lake. You usually don’t get that kind of scenery on a trail located within the city limits, but Stonehouse Loop Trail delivers. Note that the network of paths is shared between hikers, bikers, and horse riders, so be respectful of your fellow outdoor adventurers.

Begin your hike around the Stonehouse Loop Trail from the trailhead. From here, track the Stonehouse Trail southeast. At the first intersection, merge onto the Stone House Trail North, following along the north side of Bear Creek. Hike along this route as it intersects with the creek on several occasions before guiding you along the shoreline of the lake. Follow this path until the trail’s end, where you will turn right and be diverted onto the Greenbelt Trail. Trek along this trail, crossing a bridge over the creek before turning right onto the Stone House Trail, which will lead you along the southern side of the creek.

Ignoring intersecting and merging routes, follow the Stone House Trail west, merging onto the Bear Creek Trail before it would’ve guided you back over the creek. Hike the Bear Creek Trail and it will eventually lead you back over the creek and at the next intersection, take a sharp right and reconnect with the Stonehouse Trail. This path will guide you all the way back to the trailhead, marking the end of your adventure.



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