Earl Henderson, Clara Burgess, and Murray Hill Loop Trail
Earl Henderson, Clara Burgess, and Murray Hill Loop Trail

Earl Henderson, Clara Burgess, and Murray Hill Loop Trail

Palm Springs
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Earl Henderson, Clara Burgess, and Murray Hill Loop Trail

Earl Henderson, Clara Burgess, and Murray Hill Loop Trail

Distance: 4.9mi
Elevation: 1,175ft
Time: 2.5-3.5h

Difficulty Rating:

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Earl Henderson, Clara Burgess, and Murray Hill Loop Trail is an entertaining circuit that unveils a highlight reel of valley views backed by lofty mountains. The panoramic vistas at the pinnacle make this hike worth doing a couple of times if you’re a Palm Springs resident!

Earl Henderson, Clara Burgess, and Murray Hill Loop Trail Map

Getting there

To get to the start of Earl Henderson, Clara Burgess, and Murray Hill Loop Trail, head to Bogert Trail, just off Palm Canyon Drive. Then, turn left off Bogert Trail onto Barona Road, where you can park.

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Backcountry Campground


When to do


Pets allowed


Family friendly

Older Children only

Route Signage


Crowd Levels


Route Type


Earl Henderson, Clara Burgess, and Murray Hill Loop Trail
Elevation Graph

Trail Description

Earl Henderson, Clara Burgess, and Murray Hill Loop Trail winds through breathtaking scenery. Feel like you’re stepping into a montage of the best views of Palm Springs! The only downside is the residential area along the end of the hike. However, if you complete this loop counterclockwise—our route goes clockwise—you can start in the residential area and finish the boring part early. Either way, you’ll encounter steep sections along the way, elevating your heart rate!

Remember that you’re hiking in the desert, so it’s best to avoid walking in the afternoon in the warmer months or on hot days in cooler months. Aim to get out in the morning to complete this adventure!

In general, this route is easy to follow, but download a GPS before you go for extra security.



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