Old Glory Trail
Old Glory Trail Map

Old Glory Trail

West Kootenays
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Old Glory Trail

Old Glory Trail

Distance: 11.8mi
Elevation: 3,678ft
Time: 6.5-9h

Difficulty Rating:

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The Old Glory Trail is a 11.8mi out-and-back hiking route in the Rossland Range Recreation Site that climbs uphill through the forest to visit the crash site of a RCAF B-25 Mitchell Bomber from 1947 and the summit of Old Glory Mountain. Along the trail, you can expect to hike through dense forests, over steep, rocky terrain, and witness amazing views from the rugged summit of the mountain. This is a great hike for those looking for a fun challenge, as well as anyone with historical interests.

Old Glory Trail Map

Getting there

To reach the Old Glory Trail from Rossland, head east on BC-3B for 6.1mi and you will find the trail on the left.

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When to do


Backcountry Campsites


Pets allowed

Yes - On Leash

Family friendly


Route Signage


Crowd Levels


Route Type

Out and back

Old Glory Trail
Elevation Graph

Old Glory Trail Description

Hiking the Old Glory Trail is a real leg burner of an experience that will take you up the mountainside to experience some pretty amazing views of the surrounding area. This hike passes through the crash site of a Royal Canadian Air Force plane that went down on October 17, 1947 due to poor weather conditions. Hikers will be able to spot large pieces of wreckage across the area, as well as a large metal cross that stands as a memorial to everyone that died on board.

The trail sets out from the side of the highway and initially passes through a dense stretch of forest, before climbing uphill and opening up into some more exposed terrain. After passing by the wreckage site, hikers will traverse the rugged ridgeline on the way to the summit of Old Glory Mountain. From here, you will have an amazing view over the surrounding peaks that include Mount Plewman and Mount Lepsoe to the north, as well as Mount Kirkup and Grey Mountain to the southeast. After taking in the panoramic views, head back down the trail to return to the trailhead.



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