Deep Lake Hike
Deep Lake Hike Map

Deep Lake Hike

North Thompson Valley
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Deep Lake Hike

Deep Lake Hike

Distance: 2.1mi
Elevation: 492ft
Time: 1-1.5h

Difficulty Rating:

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The Deep Lake Hike is a 2.1mi hiking circuit in Kamloops, BC, that will take you through the grassland terrain to a small hillside lake. Along the trail, you will have some amazing views looking over the city and surrounding mountains, and of course the picturesque lake that is framed by the green grass and blue sky above. While the trail is fairly easy overall, the initial stretch is quite steep and may limit mobility for some hikers.

Deep Lake Hike Map

Getting there

To reach the trailhead for the Deep Lake Hike from Kamloops, head north on 8th Street for 0.8mi and turn right onto Westsyde Road. After 4.8mi, turn left onto Ida lane and follow it for 1km to reach the trailhead.

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When to do


Backcountry Campsites


Pets allowed

Yes - On Leash

Family friendly

Older Children only

Route Signage


Crowd Levels


Route Type


Deep Lake Hike
Elevation Graph

Deep Lake Hike Description

Hiking to Deep Lake is a fun adventure in the Kamloops area that will easily fill up an afternoon and allow you to experience the beautiful scenery that the area has to offer. Setting out from the trailhead, make your way north and up the steep initial slope of the route before it begins to level out a bit on the approach to the lake. As you hike through the beautiful grassland terrain, you can look back to the south for some nice views overlooking Kamloops. Once you have arrived at the edge of the lake, take in the amazingly scenic views of the rolling grasslands and blue skies above before turning back for the return journey. At the fork, go right for an alternate route to the trailhead that runs along the creek.



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