Tower Lake
Tower Lake

Tower Lake hike

Around Banff
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Mountainside Tower Lake in the Canadian rockies forest hiking banff National Park

Tower Lake hike

Distance: 10.0mi
Elevation: 2,726ft
Time: 5-7h

Difficulty Rating:

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The hike to Tower Lake is great for those who don’t have the time or energy to trek all the way to Rockbound Lake. It is also a wonderful turn around point for folks who change their minds. It is a beautiful alpine lake that sits below the impressive Eisenhower Tower—a popular climbing objective.

Tower Lake Hike Map

Getting there

To get to the Tower Lake trailhead from Banff, travel westbound for 19.9mi on the Trans-Canada Highway to Castle Junction. Take the exit and turn right. At Castle Mountain Chalets, turn right onto the Bow Valley Parkway. Take your first left turn into the parking lot for Rockbound Lake. This is where your trail begins.

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When to do


Backcountry Campsites


Pets allowed

Yes - On Leash

Family friendly

Older Children only

Route Signage


Crowd Levels


Route Type

Out and back

Tower Lake
Elevation Graph

Tower Lake Trail Description

Tower Lake sits at a slightly lower elevation than Rockbound Lake and is a great destination when snow is still holding at high elevations or if you just don’t want to hike all the way to Rockbound lake. It is less busy than many of the other hikes along the Bow Valley Parkway, so if you are looking for solitude, you’ll be happy you picked this trail.

Start hiking from the trail sign and follow the wide dirt trail. You will pass a junction for Silverton Falls, which is a great short detour if interested. Stay on the main trail and make your way to Tower Lake. The trail narrows after about 3.1mi and reaches a meadow that will lead hikers directly to Tower Lake.

The scenery at Tower Lake is incredible, and the massive Eisenhower Tower stands high above the lake, creating a drastic landscape. Head back the way you came on your descent.

Want to find more amazing Lake Louise hikes? Check out the Plain of the 6 Glaciers, Sentinel Pass, Morraine Lake or the Skoki Lakes hike.



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