Riverside loop
Riverside Loop

Riverside Loop hike

Around Lake Louise
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Riverside Loop Hike

Riverside Loop hike

Distance: 2.7mi
Elevation: 269ft
Time: 1-1.5h

Difficulty Rating:

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The Riverside Loop is easily accessible from town and the many accommodations in Lake Louise. It is a quiet trail that creates a serene loop along the Bow River. This is part of a wildlife corridor, so watch out for Grizzlies!

Riverside Loop Hike Map

Getting there

From the Lake Louise Village, walk up Lake Louise Drive and just beyond Fairview Drive, find the trail entrance beside the river on the left.

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When to do


Backcountry Campsites


Pets allowed

Yes - On Leash

Family friendly


Route Signage


Crowd Levels


Route Type


Riverside Loop
Elevation Graph

Riverside Loop Trail Description

From the entrance at Lake Louise Drive, turn left onto the trail and begin walking along the river. The trail is in the forest but maintains excellent proximity to the river. You’ll be able to admire the incredible Mount Temple and its glacier from this part of the trail.

Pass the Lake Louise campground kiosk and entry gate and continue on past a large bridge that crosses the Bow River. The trail continues straight, joining one of the campground access roads. Follow the signs and turn right when you come to the end of the campground loop. You’ll cross a wooden bridge and end up on the other side of the river.

Make your way along the other side of the river, crossing the bridge to return to your starting point. Make sure you use the pedestrian crossing gate as the bridge has an electric cattle guard. If you’d like to make a full circuit, don’t cross the bridge and hike along the electric bear fence in the campground until you come to an exit gate that leads to an interpretive trail. You will finish just further up Lake Louise Drive this way.

Want to find more amazing Lake Louise hikes? Check out the Plain of the 6 Glaciers, Sentinel Pass, Morraine Lake or the Skoki Lakes hike.



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