Solo travel is a life changing experience that allows you to discover the world (and yourself) in ways that you would never have thought possible. Read on to discover some helpful tips for solo travel that will be useful whether this is your very first solo travel experience or you have been doing it for years!

Ever dreamed of travelling on your own, exploring iconic destinations without a care in the world other than what exciting adventures you will get up to next? No matter what your preconceived notions about it may be, solo travel is a unique experience that will take you out of your comfort zone, introduce you to plenty of fascinating individuals, and expand your worldview like no other activity!

With all that being said, it likely won’t be a walk in the park. Travelling on your own can be a daunting experience, and there will certainly be some obstacles to challenge you throughout the course of your journey, so it’s best to be prepared for whatever gets thrown your way. To help you get the most out of your solitary adventures, we’ve asked some 10A contributors to compile a list of helpful tips for solo travel that they either found useful or wish someone had shared prior to their first solo travel experience. Hopefully you are able to put them to good use!

10 Tips for Travelling Solo

1. Do Your Research, Pick the Right Destination, and Book in Advance

You might already have the dream itinerary picked out for an amazing solo travel experience, but one thing to keep in mind is that not every destination is suitable for a solo trip. Make sure to do plenty of research before settling on any travel plans to ensure that the country, region, or city you will be travelling in has a decent tourism infrastructure and is a safe option for solo travellers. As a bonus tip, when you have settled on a destination, try to book accommodations or experiences in advance, as they will often be much cheaper than booking something the day, or even week of.

Do Your Research

2. Bring Backup Documents and Get Travel Insurance

It is far too easy to lose personal items while travelling, and the last things that you want to misplace are your important travel documents. One of the easiest ways to prevent any mishaps in this department is to either print extra copies of your important travel docs, or send email copies to yourself so that you can always access them in the event of an emergency. It might seem a little cautious, but the last thing you want is to end up stranded in a foreign country without any documentation!

As a secondary note, always make sure to purchase travel insurance that will cover you for the duration of your travels. It will go a long way in keeping you safe and will provide some extra peace of mind knowing that you are covered in all eventualities.

3. Notify Your Family

This tip is fairly straightforward, but it is always a good idea to notify family members when making travel plans, especially if those plans involve solo travel. While it may seem like a fun, off-the-cuff way of travelling if you leave on a whim and avoid telling anyone where you are going, the reality is that it can be a dangerous and foolish thing to do. Do yourself (and your mom!) a favour and keep everyone in the loop.

4. Avoid Overpacking

Less is almost always more when it comes to packing for a solo adventure, so try your best to avoid overpacking. While you may think you need to be prepared for every eventuality, when it comes down to it you will find yourself lugging around plenty of unnecessary clothing and personal items, with little room for keepsakes to bring home as mementos of your travels.

If you need some help whittling down your packing list, be sure to check out our article on useful tips for travelling light.

Dont Overpack

5. Challenge Yourself, But Know Your Strengths

As mentioned above, solo travel is a great way to get out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself by trying new things that you wouldn’t normally dream of doing, so make sure to take the opportunity to learn and grow in each place that you visit. On the other hand, you should also understand your strengths/weaknesses and play into them; so maybe skip the abseiling excursion if you are deathly afraid of heights and opt for an incredible day hike instead.

6. Be Spontaneous

One of the absolute best parts about solo travel is that you don’t need to check in with anyone else’s feelings, opinions, or schedule, allowing you to be completely spontaneous should you so choose. Want to grab a street hotdog at 9:30AM? Great! Feel like scratching your museum plans to go to the beach? Why not?! Travelling on your own offers the ultimate sense of freedom, so you might as well exercise it.

7. Act With Confidence

Confidence is key when it comes to travel, and nothing screams “I’M A TOURIST!” like someone wandering around a city aimlessly with a puzzled look on their face and all of their luggage in tow. Even if you have no idea where you are going, if you display a bit of outward confidence and act with conviction it will likely help you avoid getting preyed upon by tourist traps.

Have Confidence

8. Learn to Say No

Travelling in a foreign country can be a challenging experience, especially when there is a language barrier that impedes even the most basic levels of conversation. One of the best phrases you can learn, no matter the destination, is no or no, thank you. Whether you have to fend off overenthusiastic locals trying to provide a service or need to politely refuse something at a restaurant, learning these simple words in the local language can really save you in a variety of situations!

Taking this idea one step further, it is also a good idea to learn how to “say no”, not necessarily in another language, but to yourself and others. While there are certainly some benefits to “saying yes” while travelling, not every situation is something you should just dive into head first. It’s okay to think things through and say no if it means saving yourself from an unwanted situation down the line.

9. Trust Your Gut

As with most situations in life, your first instinct is usually the correct one, and the same thing goes for travel. If something seems too good to be true or a certain situation feels a bit off, then there is probably a good reason for it! Remember to always trust your gut, as your instincts are one of the best tools you have when travelling solo.

10. Take Your Time

Many travellers, especially first time solo travellers, often think that they need to fit as much into their schedule as possible, hopping from big city to big city in order to see all of the “bucket list” highlights. Our last piece of advice is to simply slow down and take your time! You will find that a more relaxed travel approach will allow you to fully take in all of the unique aspects of any given destination, making for a solo travel experience that is far more impactful than one that follows an action-packed itinerary.

Take Your Time

Adventure Tours

Are you ready for an amazing solo travel experience armed with these handy tips?! Check out the following adventure tours to discover your next travel destination: