Matterhorn Glacier Trail
Matterhorn Glacier Trail

Matterhorn Glacier Trail

Swiss Alps
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Matterhorn Glacier Trail

Distance: 3.9mi
Elevation: 558ft
Time: 1.5-2h

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The Matterhorn Glacier Trail (Nr. 26) takes you close to the Furgg Glacier and right beside the east flank of the Matterhorn. In good weather the Matterhorn glistens in the light, which is simply stunning! Contrary to the name of the hike, you will not negotiate any glacier surface or even snow in summer. The hike is relatively easy with a largely downhill grade and is suitable for most fit adults.

Matterhorn Glacier Trail Map

Getting there

From Zermatt, walk or take a bus to the Matterhorn Express (Zermatt-Furi) lift station (20 minute walk from Zermatt train station). Inquire at the ticket window if the Matterhorn Glacier Trail is open and what time the lifts will close. Buy tickets to Trockener Steg lift station (9642ft) with a return trip to Zermatt via the Schwarzsee lift station (costing approximately 70 CHF). The tickets should allow you to ride to Furi station and then take a second lift to Trockener Steg station where the hike begins.

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When to do

June to September

Backcountry Campsites


Pets allowed

Yes - On Leash

Family friendly

Older Children only

Route Signage


Crowd Levels


Route Type

One Way

Matterhorn Glacier Trail
Elevation Graph

Route Description for Matterhorn Glacier Trail

The Trockener Steg station has a restaurant, restroom, and a viewing deck, but there is no other shelter or amenities once you leave the station until you complete the hike. The trail is very rocky so wear appropriate footwear. Additionally, the wind can be quite severe even in summer and it often rains unexpectedly, so take a waterproof jacket.

The hike starts out westward on an easy grade descent. Follow the trail as it winds down beside an alpine lake and crosses a river. The trail will ascend after crossing the river; follow it 656ft to the Furgg Glacier.

The trail will meander past some smaller alpine lakes then move northwards with a good view of the Matterhorn. Past this point, the trail will descend on very rocky ground, cross a foot bridge, then ascend towards Sesselbahn Hirli (chair lift station), where the view of the Matterhorn is quite dramatic.

Continue along the trail until it descends to the Schwarzsee lift station. The Schwarzsee lift station has a restaurant and viewing deck, perfect for a stop if you’re hungry!

To leave, take the lift from Schwarzsee station back to Furi station and on to Zermatt.

Insider Hints

  • You can inquire at the Bahnhofplatz Guest Information Center (beside the Zermatt train station) to ensure the trail is open and to gather additional info before you begin.

  • At the Trockener Steg lift station, go to the restaurant then exit to the view deck to get a feel of the temperature and wind conditions. You can then come back in and have coffee while you adjust your clothing layers before you step out to the trail.

  • Follow the trail signs, as the route can vary slightly from season to season.

  • Schedule your hike to give you some time to relax and enjoy the view at the Schwarzsee lift station.

  • The trail traverses ground that was once under a retreating glacier. If you come across any historical artifacts, you are required to turn them over to the tourism office which will then forward them to archeologists.



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