Moel Wnion from Rachub
Moel Wnion from Rachub

Moel Wnion from Rachub

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Moel Wnion from Rachub

Moel Wnion from Rachub

Distance: 5.0mi
Elevation: 1,243ft
Time: 2.5-3.5h

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Walking up Moel Wnion from Rachub is a superb exploration of the Carneddau’s lower reaches. A gate at the end of the road opens onto a path up Moel Faban, the first of your three summits today. Down into a bwlch, then up to the summit of Gyrn - two down, one to go! The final push up Moel Wnion rewards you with breathtaking coastal views over Anglesey. The first part of your return is steep, but quickly smooths out into a pleasant walk back to the village.

Moel Wnion from Rachub Map

Getting there

This circular walk up Moel Wnion starts from the village of Rachub. Parking may be tricky to find. Somewhere along Stryd Fawr is likely your best bet.

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When to do


Backcountry Campsites


Pets allowed

Yes - On Leash

Family friendly

Older Children only

Route Signage


Crowd Levels


Route Type


Moel Wnion from Rachub
Elevation Graph

Moel Wnion from Rachub Trail Description

Walk east along Stryd Fawr to its intersection with Mountain Road. Turn right and walk to the end of the road, where you’ll find a metal gate. Head through and turn immediately left onto a path as you ascend the slopes of Moel Faban. You’ll shortly want to take a path on your right which bears south then curves east. A junction follows with Tydydd-Sabel directly to the south. From here, take a path on your left and follow this northeast route all the way to the top of Moel Faban. Once you’re here, continue as the path bears further east down into the bwlch and then back up along Llefn to the summit of Gyrn, your second peak of the day.

The final summit of Moel Wnion is basically a straight shot north and ever so slightly east. It’s another short descent followed by a last ascent, and the views over Anglesey and the Irish Sea are certainly worth it! There are several routes down the Moel Wnion, with a good one heading straight west. All are quite steep during this first portion. At another path junction, turn left and walk south, eventually arriving at the bwlch between Moel Faban and Llefn. With a wall on your right, the final descent back to the gate at Mountain Road is a simple one. Head through the gate and return to your parking spot.



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