Foel Goch via Bwlch Walk Tryfan
Foel Goch via Bwlch Walk Tryfan

Foel Goch via Bwlch Tryfan Walk

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Foel Goch

Foel Goch via Bwlch Tryfan Walk

Distance: 5.3mi
Elevation: 1,778ft
Time: 3-4h

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A walk up Foel Goch via Bwlch Tryfan is an excellent way to take in the iconic beauty of Tryfan without actually having to climb it! Starting from Llyn Ogwen, walk around the base of the mountain until you reach Bwlch Tryfan, then join the Miner’s Track to summit Foel Goch. Its southern position provides a fantastic vantage point to look upon Tryfan and the Glyderau. A straightforward ridge walk brings you east along a number of smaller summits, finishing the walk in Capel Curig.

Foel Goch via Bwlch Walk Tryfan Map

Getting there

To start the Foel Goch via Bwlch Tryfan walk, head for the southern shores of Llyn Ogwen along the A5. There are multiple lay-bys along the road to park at. The most convenient one for this route is about halfway down the lake, on the south side, just past the bend to the left (if driving from west to east).

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When to do


Backcountry Campsites


Pets allowed

Yes - On Leash

Family friendly


Route Signage


Crowd Levels


Route Type

One Way

Foel Goch via Bwlch Tryfan Walk
Elevation Graph

Foel Goch via Bwlch Tryfan Walk Description

From the car park, set off on a footpath leading south. It quickly comes to a pronounced fork. Left is the approach to Tryfan’s North Ridge, and right is the path you want for today. Follow this southwest over a stream, then head left at the next fork. This path brings you towards Tryfan’s imposing eastern face. Roughly 1312ft past the previous fork, you’ll want to turn right off the path and head more or less directly south, giving the mountain a wide berth as you contour around its lower slopes. Keep Tryfan on your left and Llyn Bochlwyd on your right as you make your way towards Bwlch Tryfan. You’ll still be ascending during this portion – just not as steeply as a direct approach over Tryfan would require!

From Bwlch Tryfan, join the well-trod Miner’s Track on a southeast bearing. This curves to the left, reaching a flat area with Llyn Caseg-fraith on your left. The summit of Foel Goch is just ahead – a short final pull, and you’re there! With iconic Tryfan towering to the north, and the Glyderau to the west, there’s no shortage of scenery to take in. Continue east along the summit path, descending slightly to the neighbouring peak of Gallt yr Ogof.

The path now starts to really descend as you continue with a bend to the right. Cefn y Capel, a little over half Foel Goch’s height, is the final summit on your way down. At the end of the path, clamber over a stile and turn right to meet a narrow lane which leads directly into Capel Curig. From here, you can catch a Snowdon Sherpa bus back to Llyn Ogwen. We recommend checking the schedules before starting the walk, as many routes are limited to summer weekends.



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