Duck Lake via Twentymile Trail
Duck Lake via Twentymile Trail Map

Duck Lake via Twentymile Trail

Payette National Forest
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Duck Lake via Twentymile Trail

Duck Lake via Twentymile Trail

Distance: 2.8mi
Elevation: 341ft
Time: 1-1.5h

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The Duck Lake via Twentymile Trail is a family favorite adventure in the Payette National Forest. This lovely adventure demands hikers ford a creek—but that’s all part of the fun, right? This easy-going trail is versatile—hikers, bikers, and horseback riders can all indulge in its beauty.

Duck Lake via Twentymile Trail Map

Getting there

The Duck Lake via Twentymile Trail is accessed from the trailhead off Lick Creek Road.

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Backcountry Campground


When to do


Pets allowed

Yes - On Leash

Family friendly


Route Signage


Crowd Levels


Route Type

Out and back

Duck Lake via Twentymile Trail
Elevation Graph

Duck Lake via Twentymile Trail Description

The Duck Lake via Twentymile Trail is the perfect acclimatization and introduction hike to adventures in the Payette National Forest. Explore lush meadows blossoming with wildflowers, pine groves, and a charming alpine lake—all the quintessential attributes of an Idaho hike. This route sees traffic, foot, bike, and otherwise, so expect some company. The earlier you head out, the more likely will you enjoy a tranquil experience. Note that hikers will have to ford a small creek along this adventure, so expect to get your feet wet.

Embark on your adventure along the Duck Lake via Twentymile Trail from the Twentymile Trailhead off Lick Creek Road. Setting out from here, the Twentymile Trail will guide you northwardly, beneath the sparse canopy of pine trees interspersed with swathes of meadowlands adorned with granite outcrops. After some hiking, you will reach Lick Creek, which you will likely have to ford—so roll up your pant legs. Carefully cross the stream, then continue hiking, keeping left at the next junction.

Soon you will reach the shoreline of Duck Lake. Take a moment to admire the charm of the small alpine pool hemmed by beautiful granite ridges. When you are ready, head back to the trailhead where you came.



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