Carnmoney Hill Wood Walk
Carnmoney Hill Wood Walk Map

Carnmoney Hill Wood Walk

Northern Ireland
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Carnmoney Hill Wood Walk

Distance: 2.9mi
Elevation: 768ft
Time: 1.5-2h

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The Carnmoney Hill Wood Walk is a short journey in Newtownabbey, County Antrim that will lead you uphill for some stunning views. While out on the trail, you will work your way through a beautiful stretch of forest, climbing uphill to reach a scenic viewpoint with a sightline over Belfast Lough. This is a fantastic adventure that can be enjoyed by the entire family.

Carnmoney Hill Wood Walk Map

Getting there

The trailhead for the Carnmoney Hill Wood Walk can be found on Knockenagh Avenue, just southwest of the Rathfern Social Activity Centre.

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Backcountry Campground


When to do


Pets allowed

Yes - On Leash

Family friendly


Route Signage


Crowd Levels


Route Type


Carnmoney Hill Wood Walk
Elevation Graph

Carnmoney Hill Wood Walk Description

Featuring an expansive woodland setting with laid back paths and stunning viewpoints, the Carnmoney Hill Wood Walk is an exceptional walking route in the Belfast area that will provide you with a spot of exercise and some amazing scenery.

Setting out from the trailhead, you will make your way to the northwest and pass by a small pond on your left, before traversing the charming forest terrain to the southwest. Climbing uphill, you will make your way past a Victorian well and keep right along the trail in order to eventually escape the cover of the forest for some amazing views of Belfast Lough.

From here, you will continue on to the south and enter back into the forest, descending the hillside until you arrive at the southwest corner of the route. At this point, you will backtrack and climb uphill, working your way through the lower slopes of Carnmoney Hill until you arrive back at the trailhead where you started.



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