Blue Quarry to Doan Walk
Blue Quarry to Doan Walk Map

Blue Quarry to Doan Walk

Northern Ireland
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Blue Quarry to Doan Walk

Blue Quarry to Doan Walk

Distance: 4.2mi
Elevation: 1,175ft
Time: 2-3h

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The Blue Quarry to Doan Walk is a rugged adventure in the Mourne and Slieve Croob AONB in Northern Ireland that will lead you up into the Mourne Mountains. While out walking the trail, you will climb uphill along some challenging terrain to reach the summit of Doan, where you will enjoy exceptional views across the surrounding landscape. Terrain along this trail is rocky, rugged, and often muddy, which will require proper walking boots to safely traverse.

Blue Quarry to Doan Walk Map

Getting there

The trailhead for the Blue Quarry to Doan Walk can be found at the Ott Car Park on Slievenaman Road, just southeast of Hilltown.

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Backcountry Campground


When to do


Pets allowed

Yes - On Leash

Family friendly

Older Children only

Route Signage


Crowd Levels


Route Type

Out and back

Blue Quarry to Doan Walk
Elevation Graph

Blue Quarry to Doan Walk Description

If you are after a challenging walk that features some rough and rugged terrain, but isn’t overly long, then you will want to check out the Blue Quarry to Doan Walk. This amazing adventure will see you traverse some mountainous terrain and take in beautifully scenic views that sweep across Northern Ireland.

Setting out from the car park, you will make your way across Slievenaman Road and head to the southeast, traversing the open landscape along the slopes of Ott Mountain. After reaching a saddle between Carn Mountain to the southwest and Slieve Loughshannagh to the northeast, you will make the steep and rugged ascent of Doan. From the summit, you will enjoy spectacular views of the surrounding Mourne Mountains and nearby reservoirs, before backtracking along the trail on the return to the car park where you began your journey.



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