Belvoir Park Forest Circuit
Belvoir Park Forest Circuit

Belvoir Park Forest Circuit

Northern Ireland
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Belvoir Park Forest Circuit

Belvoir Park Forest Circuit

Distance: 2.5mi
Elevation: 341ft
Time: 1-1.5h

Difficulty Rating:

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The Belvoir Park Forest Circuit is a great family-friendly adventure in southern Belfast that will expose you to a charming stretch of woodland scenery. While out walking the trail, you will make your way along forest pathways that will take you to the banks of the Lagan River for scenic views of the water. The laid back terrain and shady canopy of the forest make this a great trail for a fun family excursion on the weekend.

Belvoir Park Forest Circuit Map

Getting there

The trailhead for the Belvoir Park Forest Circuit can be found just off Belvoir Drive at the Belvoir Park Forest Education Centre.

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Backcountry Campground


When to do


Pets allowed

Yes - On Leash

Family friendly


Route Signage


Crowd Levels


Route Type


Belvoir Park Forest Circuit
Elevation Graph

Belvoir Park Forest Circuit Description

Whether you are looking for an escape from the city, a nice woodland path to walk your dogs, or a place for the kids to explore the outdoors, the Belvoir Park Forest Circuit is a great option to reconnect with the natural beauty of the Belfast landscape.

Setting out from the trailhead next to the education centre, you will head to the north and enter into the thick cover of the forest, passing by Belvoir Mott before crossing over a small stream. Continuing along the banks of the Lagan River to the northwest, you will enjoy some lovely views across the water before the trail bends around to the southeast.

Here, you will meander further into the forest and pass by the edge of the Belvoir Golf Course, eventually turning to the southwest to pass by the starting point of your adventure. Continuing on to the southwest you will embark upon a short loop through the forest that will bring you along the edge of some sports fields, before returning to the education centre where you began your day on the trails.



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