Ballyholme Green Walk
Ballyholme Green Walk Map

Ballyholme Green Walk

Northern Ireland
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Ballyholme Green Walk

Ballyholme Green Walk

Distance: 1.6mi
Elevation: 98ft
Time: 0.5-1h

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The Ballyholme Green Walk is a fantastic route for outdoor enthusiasts of all ages and skill levels that will produce beautiful views of the water. While out on the trail, you will traverse the Ballyholme Esplanade and gaze out across Belfast Lough, before making your way through the greenspace of Ballyholme Park. This is a quick and easy adventure that can be completed in no time if you find yourself in Bangor, Northern Ireland with a bit of spare time on your hands.

Ballyholme Green Walk Map

Getting there

The trailhead for the Ballyholme Green Walk can be found at the Ballymacormick car park at the end of Bank Lane in Bangor.

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Backcountry Campground


When to do


Pets allowed

Yes - On Leash

Family friendly


Route Signage


Crowd Levels


Route Type

Out and back

Ballyholme Green Walk
Elevation Graph

Ballyholme Green Walk Description

If you are looking for a laid back way to spend a few hours outdoors and don’t mind taking in some beautiful beachside views, then the Ballyholme Green Walk is a great option for you to get out onto the trails and explore the coastal areas of Northern Ireland.

Setting out from the car park, you will head to the west along the Ballyholme Esplanade and take in the beautiful views that extend out from the sandy beaches to Ballyholme Bay and further afield to Belfast Lough. Eventually, you will head through the charming Ballyholme Park to reach the terminus of the trail, at which point, you can simply turn back and retrace your steps to the car park.



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