Glen Alpine Loop
Glen Alpine Loop

Glen Alpine Loop

Lake Tahoe
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Glen Alpine Loop

Glen Alpine Loop

Distance: 13.5mi
Elevation: 2,290ft
Time: 6-8h

Difficulty Rating:

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The Glen Alpine Loop is a great way to explore Desolation Wilderness. Wander through meadowlands, mixed pine forests, along the shoreline of several shimmering alpine pools, and through mountain passes. Immerse yourself in the wilderness and revel in the grandeur of the mountainous landscape.

Glen Alpine Loop Map

Getting there

The Glen Alpine Loop departs from the Glen Alpine Trailhead off Glen Alpine Road.

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Backcountry Campground

Backcountry Camping

When to do


Pets allowed

Yes - On Leash

Family friendly


Route Signage


Crowd Levels


Route Type


Glen Alpine Loop
Elevation Graph

Glen Alpine Loop Description

The Glen Alpine Loop is a great adventure that reveals the best of what the Desolation Wilderness has to offer. Get a workout in as you wander through diverse topographies along several routes. Much of this route travels through high elevations and along exposed terrain, so it is important to check the forecast prior to heading out to mitigate the chances of getting caught in an afternoon storm. We suggest dressing in layers and wearing ankle-bracing footwear for the most comfortable experience. We also recommend bringing along the trail GPS as sections of the hike are overgrown and not well signposted.

Setting out from the Glen Alpine Trailhead, the Glen Alpine Loop follows the Glen Alpine Springs Road up past the historic resort and a charming cascade. At the road’s end, take the Glen Alpine Trail north, up several switchbacks. At the next junction, veer left onto the PCT, which will guide you to Sunrise Lake, Heather Lake, and Lake Aloha. Revel in the beauty of Lake Aloha and the bounding Sierra Nevada Mountains. Now tracking southwest, the PCT will lead you past Lake Margery before delivering you an intersection with the Tamarack Trail.

Follow the Tamarack Trail north, along the southern flank of Echo Peak and Angora Peak. After passing the looming summits, the route will begin to intensely descend, leading you to Lily Lake and back to the Glen Alpine Trailhead.



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