Freers Banks and Fryton Moor Walk
Freers Banks and Fryton Moor Walk Map

Freers Banks and Fryton Moor Walk

Howardian Hills AONB
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Freers Banks and Fryton Moor Walk

Freers Banks and Fryton Moor Walk

Distance: 3.7mi
Elevation: 449ft
Time: 1.5-2h

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The Freers Bank and Fryton Moor Walk is a fun and fairly quick adventure in the Howardian Hills of North Yorkshire that will provide panoramic views over the area. While out on the walk, you will make your way uphill along a forested path that leads up a ridge, before taking in sweeping views across the undulating landscape. There is a small amount of uphill walking along this route; however, it is a great journey to complete with the family on the weekend.

Freers Banks and Fryton Moor Walk Map

Getting there

The trailhead for the Freers Bank and Fryton Moor Walk can be found 1.2mi west of Coneythorpe along Hepton Hill Road.

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Backcountry Campground


When to do


Pets allowed

Yes - On Leash

Family friendly


Route Signage


Crowd Levels


Route Type


Freers Banks and Fryton Moor Walk
Elevation Graph

Freers Banks and Fryton Moor Walk Description

If you want to experience the natural beauty of the Howardian Hills but are slightly pressed for time, then you may want to consider spending a few hours along the Freers BAnk and Fryton Moor Walk. This fun adventure will take you through some lovely terrain that is characteristic of the area and provides stunning views across the landscape.

Setting out from the trailhead, you will work your way uphill to the northwest, relaxing in the peaceful atmosphere of the woodland landscape as you traverse a high ridgeline. Eventually, you will receive some stunning views across the undulating landscape surrounding you.

At this point, you will make your way downhill to the north and complete a short loop around some picturesque Yorkshire farmland, turning to the southeast as you climb back uphill on the return leg of the journey to the trailhead where you started.



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