Cardinham Woods Callywith Circular Walk
Cardinham Woods Callywith Circular Walk

Cardinham Woods Callywith Circular Walk

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Cardinham Woods Callywith Circular Walk

Cardinham Woods Callywith Circular Walk

Distance: 3.0mi
Elevation: 512ft
Time: 1.5-2h

Difficulty Rating:

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The Cardinham Woods Callywith Circular Walk is a quiet and peaceful adventure near Bodmin, Cornwall that will lead you through a lovely stretch of woodland terrain. While out on the trail, you will gradually climb up the forested hillside to a viewpoint overlooking Cardinham Water, before descending through the forest and into the valley. This is an excellent route if you are looking to reconnect with nature or take your dog out for a fun forest walk.

Cardinham Woods Callywith Circular Walk Map

Getting there

The trailhead for the Cardingham Woods Callywith Circular Walk can be found at the car park along Margate Road, just east of Bodmin.

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Backcountry Campground


When to do


Pets allowed

Yes - On Leash

Family friendly


Route Signage


Crowd Levels


Route Type


Cardinham Woods Callywith Circular Walk
Elevation Graph

Cardinham Woods Callywith Circular Walk Description:

Walking the Cardinham Woods Callywith Circular Trail is a fun activity in the forests east of Bodmin that is suitable for a wide range of walkers; however, there are some uphill climbs and descents that could limit travel for those who are less-mobile. Additionally, you should make sure to wear proper walking boots, particularly a pair that is water-resistant, as the trail can become quite muddy after a good bout of rainfall.

Even with the consideration of these minor inconveniences, this is a spectacular walking route that will allow you to explore some beautiful forest landscapes and reconnect with nature. In addition to experiencing the wonderful atmosphere of the Cardinham Woods, you will receive some stunning views from atop the valley that look down on the winding banks of Cardinham Water. If you are in need of a bit of rest and relaxation outdoors, this is a great option to find it.

Setting out from the car park, you will make your way to the southwest along the road for 235ft and turn right, picking up the first path on your left that will lead you uphill through the forest. After making your way uphill along a small stream for 0.43mi, the path will turn sharply to the southeast and continue through the forest, leading you around the high terrain above the valley for 0.7mi.

Here, you will arrive at a stunning viewpoint overlooking Cardinham Water nestled in the valley below. After taking in the views, you will make your way to the northwest along the forested hillside, before turning to the southwest to climb slightly further uphill. Continue making your way under the shady canopy of the forest for the next 0.6mi and turn right at the junction in order to get back onto the original path that brought you uphill. From here, you can simply follow the trail downhill through the forest to return to the car park where you began the Cardinham Woods Callywith Circular Walk.

Insider Hints

  • Toilet facilities can be found near the car park.

  • The Woods Cafe is a charming spot to grab some refreshments before or after your walk.

  • Water-resistant footwear is recommended after heavy rainfall, as the trail can be quite muddy.



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