Loddon Brewery and Chilterns Boundary Walk
Loddon Brewery and Chilterns Boundary Walk Map

Loddon Brewery and Chilterns Boundary Walk

Chiltern Hills
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Loddon Brewery and Chilterns Boundary Walk

Loddon Brewery and Chilterns Boundary Walk

Distance: 2.8mi
Elevation: 279ft
Time: 1-1.5h

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Revel in quintessential English countryside views, contrasted with red kites floating in the sky, a lovely church, and views of the Thames Valley fading into the horizon on the Loddon Brewery and Chilterns Boundary Walk. After your walk, it’s almost mandatory to enjoy a pint at Loddon Brewery! This is a kid-friendly walk, making it a fun adventure for most fitness levels and ages.

Loddon Brewery and Chilterns Boundary Walk Map

Getting there

To get to the start of the Loddon Brewery and Chilterns Boundary Walk, head to Dunsden Green and follow Church Lane until you see Loddon Brewery on your left. Park here!

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When to do


Backcountry Campsites


Pets allowed

Yes - On Leash

Family friendly


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Loddon Brewery and Chilterns Boundary Walk
Elevation Graph

Loddon Brewery and Chilterns Boundary Walk Description

The Loddon Brewery and Chilterns Boundary Walk is a fantastic family-friendly option! While we’ve listed the best time to do this walk as between May and October, you can explore this route year-round, but the mud can be unbearable sometimes (even if you’re wearing wellies). So, if you want to avoid frustration, tuck this one away for the warmer months. Keep in mind that you will have to take on a few steps, a narrow section along a vehicle barrier, and walk along sections of peaceful country lanes. However, there are no kissing gates or stiles to negotiate!

One of the best parts about this walk is that it packs quintessential Chiltern-like scenery into one 2.8mi walk. Expect to bask in relaxing countryside scenery while red kites soar in the sky! You’ll traverse along paths lined with trees and enjoy views of the Thames Valley. And that’s not even all! At the end of the walk, refreshing pints at Loddon Brewery await. This brewery is a family-run business set in a 300-year-old barn!

You’ll head back to the vehicle entrance and head right to follow the lane towards Dunsden Green from the car park. Before the village green, you’ll see a sign for a public bridleway; go left along this track. Look for the info board on Wilfred Owen, a famous poet with connections to Dunsden Green. Follow Tagg Lane, passing Orchard Cottage, towards Chapman’s Farm. But don’t follow the path through the farm. Keep straight, and eventually, you’ll reach a bridleway path lined with trees. Ignore the footpaths popping up on your left and right, and stay straight!

At the next waymarker post, take a right for a public footpath to walk by a garden and an open field. Continue straight through the crop field at the end of the garden, but in the middle of walking along the field, you’ll reach another waymarker post. Take a right here followed by a quick left (the treeline should be on your left now). Pause for a moment to look back and revel in views of the Thames Valley. The path will eventually veer left, taking you across the last bit of field and toward a junction. Take a right to follow a residential road, where there’s a T-junction with Binfield Heath Church, which opened in 1835 and is made from Bath Stone. Stop to admire the church before taking a right, so the church and Dunsden House should be on your left. After Dunsden House, go left along a gravel public bridleway. Continue straight, ignoring the path veering into the property, towards a tree-lined bridleway. At the next junction, go straight to follow the blue arrow and head along a grass path that will take you between two fences. Marvel at the views to your left! You’ll start to head downhill, passing Round Wood. When you reach the bottom, you’ll arrive at another T-junction. Take a right here to go along a narrow tarmac track. When the fence on your left ends, follow the footpath, which heads right, towards some steps.

After, the path swings left and follows the boundary of a crop field. When you get to the hedge boundary, step forward a few steps and then take a right to walk through the middle of the hedgerow. This path takes on a steady climb! When the hedgerow, which should be on your left, ends, pause to breathe and celebrate for finishing the climb. Take a moment to admire the views, such as Caversham Lakes. When you’re ready to go, continue forward, with the hedgerow to your right, towards a waymarker. Take a left to walk along the top of a crop field, followed by a right to walk along another field (the hedgerow should be on your right as you walk this field). When you get to the end of the field, take a right and then a quick left to walk along a vehicle barrier towards another junction.

Take a right along the road—be mindful of traffic—to head back to Dunsden Green. At the next road junction, take a left onto Church Lane, passing a well harking back to 1878 and drop 150 feet, as well as an orchard and a war memorial. Eventually, you’ll make it back to Loddon Brewery, where refreshments await!

Insider Hints

  • Try to avoid walking this route during wetter months, as the mud can be frustrating to deal with

  • Be sure to stop at Loddon Brewery after your walk



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