Bledlow Great Wood and Radnage Walk
Bledlow Great Wood and Radnage Walk Map

Bledlow Great Wood and Radnage Walk

Chiltern Hills
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Bledlow Great Wood and Radnage Walk

Bledlow Great Wood and Radnage Walk

Distance: 10.9mi
Elevation: 2,001ft
Time: 5-6.5h

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The Bledlow Great Wood and Radnage Walk may be a long walk, but the ever-changing scenery will keep you well entertained. Loop through quiet woodland, by rolling countryside scenery where views stretch out into the horizon and pass by burial mounds that hark to the Bronze Age. This walk fuses scenic views, historical stories, all while you get some exercise!

Bledlow Great Wood and Radnage Walk Map

Getting there

To get to the start of the Bledlow Great Wood and Radnage Walk, head to Chinnor Nature Hill Reserve Car Park and park your car there!

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When to do


Backcountry Campsites


Pets allowed

Yes - On Leash

Family friendly


Route Signage


Crowd Levels


Route Type


Bledlow Great Wood and Radnage Walk
Elevation Graph

Bledlow Great Wood and Radnage Walk Description

Expect a montage of scenery on the Bledlow Great Wood and Radnage Walk! Pass through the rolling countryside, shaded woodland, and by burial grounds steeped in history. This walk may be long, but it’s definitely one worth doing if you’re looking to spend a significant amount of time adventuring in the outdoors. There may be some overgrown areas, but all in all, this walk is slowly becoming a popular favourite amongst locals.

Setting out from the car park, you’ll head left at the information board into Bledlow Great Wood and toward Hempton Wainhill. Here, you’ll veer east, passing through a stretch of woodland before meandering through lovely fields. At the next wooded area, you’ll start heading south towards Chinnor Hill. Continuing with your loop, you’ll walk toward Yoesden Nature Reserve and Radnage, passing through another set of open fields. Just after Stokenchurch (you won’t go through this village, but your path is parallel to it), go right to head back to the car park where your walk began. En route, you’ll go through more woodland and along the edge of Chinnor.



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