How to Get the Smell Out of Your Outdoor Gear
Anyone who spends an ample amount of time hiking or exploring outdoors has encountered the dilemma of how to get the smell out of your outdoor gear, and it can [...]
Anyone who spends an ample amount of time hiking or exploring outdoors has encountered the dilemma of how to get the smell out of your outdoor gear, and it can [...]
Travel during the sunny summer months is an incredible experience that can be filled with adventure around every corner… if you play your cards right! From transportation and accommodations to [...]
The best places to travel in April fit into a wide variety of categories, from warm and sunny destinations in the Mediterranean to popular hotspots that experience a tourism dip [...]
Choosing the right base layer is a critical task if you want to ensure that you will stay dry, comfortable, and smelling fresh on your adventures. This simple guide to [...]
The best places to travel in December are most often warm weather destinations, as many people try to escape the cold and enjoy a stretch of nice weather before the [...]
It’s not often that people are stuck with extended layovers these days, as airlines often try to squeeze flight transfers into shorter and shorter windows for the sake of efficiency, [...]
Whether you are a seasoned outdoor enthusiast looking to hike along quieter trails or simply want to get outside with the family to appreciate the changing colours of the foliage [...]
The clean and crisp air, rustling of leaves, and a wide array of pumpkin-spiced products on store shelves are all sure signs that the autumn season is upon us. And [...]
Table of Contents About the Marangu Route Marangu Route Itinerary Additional Resources for Planning Your Kilimanjaro Summit Kilimanjaro Article Series About the Marangu Route The most well-established and oldest trail [...]
Table of Contents About the Northern Circuit Route Northern Circuit Route Itinerary Planning Your Kilimanjaro Summit Journey Kilimanjaro Article Series About the Northern Circuit Route At 55.9mi in length, the [...]