McNeil Point Trail
McNeil Point Trail

McNeil Point Trail

Mount Hood National Forest
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McNeil Point Trail

McNeil Point Trail

Distance: 10.0mi
Elevation: 2,726ft
Time: 5-7h

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The McNeil Point Trail is a challenging excursion in Mount Hood National Forest that features steep terrain and breathtaking views of Mount Hood itself. While out on the trail, you will work your way through the forest and along Bald Mountain Ridge, before arriving at the McNeil Point Rock Shelter for an in-your-face view of Mount Hood. Hikers should take note that this is a tough hiking route, so make sure to wear proper hiking boots and bring plenty of water/snacks to stay fueled.

McNeil Point Trail Map

Getting there

The starting point for the McNeil Point Trail can be found at the Top Spur Trailhead on NF-118.

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Backcountry Campground

Camps near Ho Rock

When to do


Pets allowed

Yes - On Leash

Family friendly


Route Signage


Crowd Levels


Route Type


McNeil Point Trail
Elevation Graph

McNeil Point Trail Description

The perfect combination of challenging difficulty and stunning views, the McNeil Point Trail is one of the best day-hikes if you are wanting to experience the majesty of Mount Hood. Be sure to come prepared, as the route does get harder as you go!

Setting out from the Top Spur Trailhead, you will make your way east through the forest on an uphill climb that will bring you to a junction with the PCT. Keeping right, you will quickly arrive at another junction and take the second path on your right to traverse Bald Mountain and the Bald Mountain Ridge.

As you traverse the ridgeline you will enjoy several beautiful viewpoints looking onto Mount Hood, before the views really open up just prior to the ascent to McNeil Point. Keeping left at the fork, you will pass through meadows, forest, and rocky terrain along the Timberline Trail #600, before eventually turning right onto the McNeil Point Trail.

Following this to the southwest, you will eventually arrive at the McNeil Point Rock Shelter, where you will have an incredible view of Mount Hood before you. After a break for lunch and to revel in the scenery, carefully descend the rocky terrain to the west in order to meet up with your original route, which you can follow back down to the trailhead where you began.



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