Kirkham Priory and River Derwent Walk
Kirkham Priory and River Derwent Walk

Kirkham Priory and River Derwent Walk

Howardian Hills AONB
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Kirkham Priory and River Derwent Walk

Kirkham Priory and River Derwent Walk

Distance: 4.6mi
Elevation: 528ft
Time: 2-2.5h

Difficulty Rating:

User Ratings:
2 Overall Rating
Technical Difficulty
Physical Difficulty

The Kirkham Priory and River Derwent Walk is a fantastic adventure in the Howardian Hills AONB that will showcase the beauty of the landscape and visit interesting historical sites. While out walking the trail, you will pass by the 12th Century Kirkham Priory, before traversing the undulating terrain to the south to walk along the banks of the River Derwent. This is a great trail that can be enjoyed by nearly everyone, although there are some steep climbs throughout.

Kirkham Priory and River Derwent Walk Map

Getting there

The trailhead for the Kirkham Priory and River Derwent Walk is at the car park located right next to the ruins of the Kirkham Priory.

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Backcountry Campground


When to do


Pets allowed


Family friendly


Route Signage


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Route Type


Kirkham Priory and River Derwent Walk
Elevation Graph

Kirkham Priory and River Derwent Walk Description

If you enjoy historical ruins, secretive locations from the Second World War, and wonderfully scenic views of the surrounding Howardian Hills landscape, then you should definitely check out the Kirkham Priory and River Derwent Walk.

Setting out from the trailhead, you will begin the walk at the beautiful ruins of the Kirkham Priory – a 12th Century church that was disestablished by King Henry VIII in 1539 and allowed to fall into ruin. Winston Churchill also came here during World War Two in order to personally inspect the landing craft that were to be used in the D-Day assault on Normandy.

After exploring the site, you will make your way uphill through the forest to enjoy some scenic views across the undulating landscape, before heading back downhill on the opposite slope to meet up with Riders Lane. After this, you will loop around to the northeast to walk along the River Derwent as it flows alongside Howsham Wood. After some time, the river and trail will bend to the northwest and bring you back to the Priory where you began your walk.



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