Red Kites and Ridgeway Loop
Red Kites and Ridgeway Loop Map

Red Kites and Ridgeway Loop

Chiltern Hills
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Red Kites and Ridgeway Loop

Red Kites and Ridgeway Loop

Distance: 5.3mi
Elevation: 702ft
Time: 2-3h

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Marvel at red kites contrasting nicely with the colour of the sky and enjoy walking a section of the historical Ridgeway National Trail while also checking out views of the Vale of Aylesbury. While this walk is relatively easy, you will have to tackle two steep hills, elevating this hike to a more moderate level. You’ll switch between roads and footpaths throughout.

Red Kites and Ridgeway Loop Map

Getting there

To get to the start of the Red Kites and Ridgeway Loop from High Wycombe, follow West Westcombe before turning right onto Chorley Road, which morphs into Chinnor Road before turning right onto Church Lane. Your destination will be on the left.

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When to do

April - October

Backcountry Campsites


Pets allowed

Yes - On Leash

Family friendly


Route Signage


Crowd Levels


Route Type


Red Kites and Ridgeway Loop
Elevation Graph

Red Kites and Ridgeway Loop Description

The Red Kites and Ridgeway Loop in the Chilterns is a must-do hike! Besides the two steep hills, this hike is easy to navigate and provides excellent views throughout. Setting out from your car, face the school entrance and then head right down Church Lane before going right again to meet up with the main street. Go along Chapel Lane and continue straight, passing Lodge Hill Farm. At the top of the loop, you’ll turn onto the Ridgeway, eventually reaching lovely views of the Vale of Aylesbury. Continue looping around, turning off the Ridgeway onto a footpath. Walk by Manor Farm before meeting up with Hawk Lane, taking you back to where you began.

Note that you will have to navigate kissing gates along the route.



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