Packhorse and Chazey Heath Walk
Packhorse and Chazey Heath Walk Map

Packhorse and Chazey Heath Walk

Chiltern Hills
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Packhorse and Chazey Heath Walk

Packhorse and Chazey Heath Walk

Distance: 3.2mi
Elevation: 400ft
Time: 1-1.5h

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Take your entire family on the Packhorse and Chazey Heath Walk, which loops from the Packhorse—a former farm turned pub—along a relatively flat path through bouts of woodland, open fields, and village roads. The woodland footpaths can get muddy in the winter, so bring proper footwear if you plan on going during wetter months.

Packhorse and Chazey Heath Walk Map

Getting there

To get to the start of the Packhorse and Chazey Heath Walk, head to Sheepways Lane, continue along it, crossing the A4074 before taking a slight left to reach your destination.

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When to do


Mountain Huts


Pets allowed

Yes - On Leash

Family friendly


Route Signage


Crowd Levels


Route Type


Packhorse and Chazey Heath Walk
Elevation Graph

Packhorse and Chazey Heath Walk Description

Spend a couple of hours navigating woodland, village lanes, and open fields on the kid-friendly Packhorse and Chazey Heath Walk! Do note that there is one stile on this walk with a dog gate that should be large enough for most dogs to get through. And don’t forget to bring proper footwear if you’re doing this during wetter months as the path can get muddy.

Starting out from the Packhorse, head in a counterclockwise direction back onto Sheepways Lane. Cross the road at the intersection with care and take a left to quickly walk through some trees before the views open up to a field. Continue along the path until you meet an intersection. Take a sharp left to head down the grass track and go left at the next junction to skirt along woodland and pass through another field. After crossing the A4074, follow the pavement along Rokeby Drive before turning onto Tokers Green Lane, which will take you back to your car.



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