Big Tree Trail
Big Tree Trail

Big Tree Trail

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Big Tree Trail

Big Tree Trail

Distance: 2.0mi
Elevation: 374ft
Time: 1h

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The Big Tree Trail is a 2.0mi hiking loop near Tofino, BC, that will take you through the rainforests of Meares Island to view several massive, ancient trees. The atmosphere along the trail will almost feel magical as you hike along the wooden boardwalk and look out onto the large trees and thick underbrush that blankets the forest floor. This trail is only accessible by boat, so hikers will need to make arrangements to reach the island.

Big Tree Trail hike Map

Getting there

To reach the Big Tree Trail from Tofino, hikers will need to take a 15-minute boat ride to the trailhead on Meares Island.

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When to do


Backcountry Campsites


Pets allowed


Family friendly

Older Children only

Route Signage


Crowd Levels


Route Type


Big Tree Trail
Elevation Graph

Big Tree Trail Description

Hiking the Big Tree Trail is a mystical experience that will allow you to witness the power and beauty of some absolutely mammoth-sized trees and reach out to hug some of the oldest living organisms on the planet. The boardwalk through the rainforest is made up of hand-split planks of wood, making it uneven and slick in wet weather. Additionally, sections of the trail can become quite wet and muddy, so it’s best to wear proper hiking footwear that is water-resistant to enjoy the trail safely.

After taking the scenic boat ride in from Tofino, hikers will enter into the dense cover of the rainforest and make their way along the wooden boardwalk as it heads to the northeast. You will soon reach a junction that leads to the left toward a viewpoint overlooking the Tofino Mudflats. This is an important ecological preserve that houses numerous species of local wildlife.

Continue along the trail loop to experience the beauty of the rainforest and visit its ancient inhabitants. Some of these trees have been growing for close to 1,500 years and were in danger of being cut down before the peaceful protests of the 1980s. Make your way along the remainder of the loop and take some time to reach out and hug some of the enormous trees before heading back to the boat for the return trip to Tofino.



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